Wednesday, February 1, 2012


A mini-memorial to our lovely,


We lost him this past week, it has been rough....We ended up adopting 2 more cats from the spca. We will love him forever, of course, but there are so many cats out there that didn`t and might never know the love we have for our cats.

This is Charlie, she is the mom of Bender and Esteban. (age 4 1/2)

Caught her mid-yawn.

This is Bender (age 2)

And these are our newly adopted kittens. We kept their names.

Bella-Anne  (age 10  months)

Goober (5 months)

Well, this is a short post, it was a very hard one for me to do. I`ve been meaning to make it for a few days, but haven`t gotten myself to do it. I realize I could have just not posted about it, but it`s a big part of our lives.

I love and will always miss Esteban.. And I also love our old kitties and our new ones...
Love and take care of your animals, you never know.



  1. Poor Esteban :( He was such a good kitty.

  2. *sigh* Seeing the mini-memorial made me sad on the inside, even if i only petted the cat for a few minutes when we came over to your house knowing the feeling it will never happen again hits me in a way i can not explain. Unfortunately, i am not alone.

  3. Thanks Mama, and thanks Alex, I know how you feel. It sucks so much. *hugs*
