Tuesday, January 28, 2014


The kids came home early today for a possible.... SNOW STORM! We are all very excited of course, I mean, it snows here (South Carolina) only every 5-10 years! Can't wait. The forcast said up to 5" last night, and now they are saying it may only be 1" and a lot of ice rain... I hope it goes back to more snow than ice. Otherwise... BOOOOO.  We'll see, I'm crossing my fingers!

~~ Anyway, it has been a few days since my last post, and I feel bad about that, but the boys spend the most of last week sick (Fevers, stomache flu), and when they did go back to school by Thursday, it was nuts how much we had to hurry and do.
(on top of finishing other misc crafts and missed homework for school)
There was the Q&U wedding. A ceremony that all the K5 students dress up for to help them remember Q&U are always together.
"Mama! Can you buy me a tie? Teacher says I need one." -- Luckily we already have a couple of suits, but the ties always go missing. So of course I got him a tie.
And he was so handsome! When he came home, he said it was his favorite outfit and wished he could wear it every day <3

Then we had to make sure Billy got his donations together for class. Yesterday (Monday) was the 100th day of School!  All the First Grade classes got together and started a donation to get 100 items of dog food in time for the 100th day of school. How cool is that? Way to go SRE!


Then on the weekend we continued our quest for getting our house more organized (nope, we didn't finish it all. It's still like a bomb hit certain areas, lol)
We got Billy a new (to us) entertainment center. Solid wood, $25. Yay Craigslist!

It was so incredibly busy between Wed/Thursday- Sunday. I probably missed a bunch, but I guess this was the big stuff!
Thanks for reading,

1 comment:

  1. Joey is so cute in his suit! Great find on the shelf also!
