Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow white

I want to start a new weekly pictorial. Just a random collection of things I like, find pretty, etc.
 A Color of the week.
Since it is (hopefully) snowing tomorrow, it is winter AND it is my favorite color, I will start with


White Parakeet

Moon Stone

Fresh fluffy Now

Diamonds, white gold and white opal

Pretty chippy wood

The White Rabbitby by Margaret Winifred Tarrant -1916

Character sketches of Elsa, Queen, controller of Snow
from Disney Pixar's FROZEN

A Beautiful Dress - It costs $600. Here is a link to the website:
If you are into this kind of thing, like I am, you will be drooling. 

A statue of an angel kitty. I need two for the garden,
but I have not found a perfect one yet.

And another dress. Sara in "The Labyrinth"


Something little I've been working on. This one isn't that great, but I really loved how it turned out even though I used a size 5 hook for such a fine yarn. I couldn't find my smaller hooks, but I went out and bought a couple of new ones, so hopefully the next berrets out better. ;)


The kids came home early today for a possible.... SNOW STORM! We are all very excited of course, I mean, it snows here (South Carolina) only every 5-10 years! Can't wait. The forcast said up to 5" last night, and now they are saying it may only be 1" and a lot of ice rain... I hope it goes back to more snow than ice. Otherwise... BOOOOO.  We'll see, I'm crossing my fingers!

~~ Anyway, it has been a few days since my last post, and I feel bad about that, but the boys spend the most of last week sick (Fevers, stomache flu), and when they did go back to school by Thursday, it was nuts how much we had to hurry and do.
(on top of finishing other misc crafts and missed homework for school)
There was the Q&U wedding. A ceremony that all the K5 students dress up for to help them remember Q&U are always together.
"Mama! Can you buy me a tie? Teacher says I need one." -- Luckily we already have a couple of suits, but the ties always go missing. So of course I got him a tie.
And he was so handsome! When he came home, he said it was his favorite outfit and wished he could wear it every day <3

Then we had to make sure Billy got his donations together for class. Yesterday (Monday) was the 100th day of School!  All the First Grade classes got together and started a donation to get 100 items of dog food in time for the 100th day of school. How cool is that? Way to go SRE!


Then on the weekend we continued our quest for getting our house more organized (nope, we didn't finish it all. It's still like a bomb hit certain areas, lol)
We got Billy a new (to us) entertainment center. Solid wood, $25. Yay Craigslist!

It was so incredibly busy between Wed/Thursday- Sunday. I probably missed a bunch, but I guess this was the big stuff!
Thanks for reading,

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Last weekend we went to the Columbia Zoo. It was a little chilly, but we got to meet up with my dad and his step-son there. It had been a long time since either had happened (years).
It was a fun trip and everyone had a good time.

 I didn't get a picture of him doing so, but this gorilla really liked to flex his butt at people. Then look over his shoulder, like: "You know you want this".
  Meerkats! Joey says they are his favorite animal now. They are sooo cute. I wish we could have pet them. Are they nice? I don't even know. I should probably look that up.

This King Cobra was a sweetie. He was very active and "tasting" the air and kept bumping his nose on the glass. (not in a threatening way)..

Neat reflection of a Caymen from under the water.


Petending to be in the tank

You know, I love all Aquatic life. And the aquarium at the zoo is small, but so beautiful. One of my favorite things there.

I can't wait to go back, though preferably when it isn't 35* outside, haha. We got a year pass, so hopefully soon! <3
xoxo, -Melli

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Movie talk

Our Library system around here is pretty awesome. I've been craving to watch The Royal Tennenbaums, but it wasn't on anything (netflix, amazon prime, demand, etc.) and I didn't want to buy it.
Our Library is part of a system of 6 Libraries, and you can put on hold any of the items and they deliver it to your Library!
Pretty sweet. So I put on hold some of my favorite movies.. they got here quick.

The Major and Minor, and

By Wes Anderson:

The Royal Tennenbaums,
The Life Aquatic (Just watched it. Loved the style and music, as in all Wes Anderson movies, but it had it's sad moments..)
Moonrise Kingdom (I havent seen this one yet)

What are some of your favorite movies?

Some of my favorites from the soundtracks
Mark Mothersbaugh / ping island-lightning strike rescue op
A super catchy 'midi' like song from Life Aquatic
Nico, "These Days -TRT
TRT "Me and Julio" -- Video and clip
Amelie - Poulain comptine d'un autre été

Melli xoxo

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Yesterday was a really bad day.
I actually don't even want to talk about it, but I'm still
making a post, because she deserves to be talked about...

Losing someone you love is never easy.
Always in our hearts you will be.
My sweet baby girl.
I love and miss you Bella

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Kids went back to school today, though with a 3 hour delay. It think it was around 5F degrees this morning? SUPER cold for Summerville, South Carolina!
Anyway, the kids didn't have to be there until ten, so after I dropped them off I popped into the goodwill that is about 3 minutes down the rd. I mainly went in for a couple of extra sweaters for Joey (he grew again!) and I did find a couple, but then I went off track, and thank goodness I did. I found three perfect vintage dresses. Ah, I love them so much. I even found a pair of brand new shoes to go with them.


Selfie in the car, waiting for the kids at school

Kids came home with tons of papers, as usual, and here are two highlights:

Well, I'm off to go do homework with the boys. :)
Thanks for reading!!
-Melli xoxo