Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Part 2

We have made 2 trips to New York in the last month in a half, the first by car (17 hours each way!) and the second by plane.

Micah's Grandmother is very sick, and she is the main reason for our trips. We wanted the kids to be able to know her, the last time they had seen their great grandparents they were very small.. It`s so sad, but I`m happy we were able to see her and spend time with her. She is loved much by everyone..

I wasn't able to get any photographs of her during this trip, she doesn't like having her pictures taken when she isn't feeling her best. 
Last trip I forgot my camera at home, and my phone was broken. All pictures (from Aug trip) were taken on Micah's phone, except for the creek pictures, those were taken by his sister.

Most all of Micah`s family lives in New York in the most beautiful small towns and villages. A lot of his relatives I was meeting for the first time and I`m happy to say I liked everyone I met.

July trip:

Micah's grandparents back yard.
 And a beautiful back yard at that
 I swear, we spent half our vacation out here, playing, laughing and just laying in the grass.

Racing up a hill at Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpas house. -->

 Our hotel in Jamestown. A 4 minute walk from the Lucille Ball museum (we went!)
 These are pictures from a local parade in Cherry Creek, NY
 They threw candy at all the children
Birthday Party BBQ

He is such a cheese-ball. He followed the girls around most of the day


Lucy Museum

I took hundreds of pictures, it was so fun! They had recreations of I love Lucy sets, original costumes, props, so much!
Photographs are not allowed, but the lady at the museum said I could take them as long as I didn`t post them publicly online. I won`t, of course. If any one really wants to see them, write me an e-mail, and I will put them in another (private) account for viewing. :)
Last picture.
A totally random HUGE chair at the hotel we stopped at in Virginia.
That's it!

What... More!? Yup
This trip we stayed in a cabin. It was beautiful, and made by the Amish. 
 A view from the front porch

The creek in Cherry Creek

Pictures at the cabin

There was lavender growing out front

It smelled so good.

Again, we spent most of our time outside. There is very little air conditioning in the north, and it had been record breaking heat the first day we were there. Luckily, it cooled off a lot the next day and it felt wonderful outside and decent inside.
I miss those wonderful outdoor times. Here (in SC) it has been on average 110 (heat index, 100 normal) and when you have a nice 75-80 degrees in the house, it is almost impossible to say no. Boo.
Family Reunion.

So MUCH fun.

Look at this beautiful pond:

We forgot swimsuits, but that didn`t stop all of us from going in fully clothed. No pictures, since we were all wet and swimming. 

 Swinging with grandma

Nightime pictures at the cabin.

And just like that.. We were home again!
Thanks to all the great people in NY who made our trips so memorable.


Puppies and kitties were so happy to be home again, as were we. We missed our babies, here is Lumpy fresh from his visit (with June) to the Dog Hotel they stayed at while we were gone.

End of Part 2

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