Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Everyone loves to read in this household. Alot. This is the kids super stuffed bookshelf. (Sorry about the mess!)

We just recently started going to the library again, and today I got a some awesome books for them at $0.25 a piece! (which is what inspired me to make a book-post)

(7 kids regular kids books and a school book for homeschooling this fall.)

We read all 7 regular ones within 25 minutes of getting home. (though that Henny Penny one: it is not the revised & nice version, like I was expecting. Almost everyone gets eaten D=... )

Homeschooling. I`ve been stock piling work books and such for a while now.
The collection thus far:

I`m excited and nervous at the same time. I`m only going to be doing it for 1, maybe 2 years tops. Just until I really feel they are ready for public school. It will be great. :)


Anyway, are there any good books your kids love? Any good work books to recomend?
Let me know!


P.S. I changed the comment section, there is no need to be registered to blogpsot, or google anymore. Open to the public :)


  1. You know what we used, LifePack Gold. I still like it and think it`s good for elementary school.

  2. I liked Handwriting Without Tears and Rightstart math a lot. Julia

  3. I forgot to mention books. There are so many goodones for young kids. Gail Gibbons' science books, Let's Read and Find Out About Science Series, fairy gales and myths from thethe 300 section of the library (Andrew liked Paul Galdone's especially), Richard Scarry, Eric Carle, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Tomie dePaulo, Jan Brett, Mother Goose poems, Beatrice Potter, Robert McCluskey, Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, ... There are just so many good ones but these are a few favorites I remember from that age.
